Diversity & Equality


The Diversity and Equality Group was born in 2021 out of the desire to create a favourable working environment within the ENS Geosciences Department regardless of gender, ethnic or social origin, religion, etc. It is composed of about twenty volunteer members representing the diversity of the department and proposes several actions to assess the situation in the department each year and to promote the adoption of good practices to promote equity and diversity.

To contact us


Who we are

The D&E group in 2022-2023: Annemiek Stegehuis, Hélène Rouby, Jean-Arthur Olive, Hélène Lyon-Caen, Johanne Lebrun, Emilie Klein, Aglaé Jézéquel, Bertrand Guenet, Alessandra Giannini, Narimane Dorey, Carole Dalin

Below are the slides presented by the group at our last Department Day, summarising its actions over the past year.

At the start of the 2021 academic year, we wanted to take stock of situations of harassment and other violence (whether sexual, sexist or moral) within our walls. The first action of our working group was therefore to build a survey, shared by the department director, Laurent Bopp, on 12 February 2021, giving a one-month window to collect responses.

The main results were presented during the ‘Department day’ on June 23rd, 2021. The comprehensive results have been compiled into a report. Both this document and the presentation slides are available below.

Our purpose is now to renew this survey annually in order to follow the evolution and evaluate the impact of our actions. Our group is currently working on the construction of the next survey to be released in the spring 2022.

The D&E group developped a Code of Conduct, that provides guidelines for a better respect of people, regardless of their gender, status, sexual orientation, origin (real or supposed), religion or disability. It concerns, on the one hand, the individual behaviors and actions of each member of the department and, on the other hand, the commitments and actions to be carried out at the level of team, laboratory and department management.

The need for this initiative comes from recognizing situations of discrimination and harassment within the department’s teaching and research activities. These were highlighted in particular during the Diversity & Equality survey conducted in February 2021 within the department.

This Code of Conduct was adopted on October 18, 2022 by vote at the Conseil du Laboratoire of the Laboratoire de Géologie de l’ENS as well as by the Geosciences Department (LG+LMD-ENS) during its General Assembly on April 21, 2022. The LMD in full (ENS-Jussieu-Polytechnique) has started discussions to create a code that will apply to all 3 sites.

Department’s QVTRPS referents

Whatever the circumstances, if you need help or advice, do not hesitate to contact the department’s Quality of Life at Work and Psychosocial Risk referents:

Referents at ENS

Equality referent: Charlotte Jacquemot
Scientific integrity referent: Mathias Girel
Racism and antisemitism referent: Jean-Pascal Anfray

PSL resources
ENS Intranet resources

I am a student

I am a professional

  • Association of Victims of Harassment at Work (A.V.H.T)
    Tel. 06 15 72 30 55 every first and third Friday of each month from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m
  • ENS medico-socio-professional watch unit
CNRS contacts
Student health
  • Health Center ENS
    Bénédicte Raut, nurse (for all)
    Dr Maryse Salou, occupational and prevention physician (for students)
    Tél. 01 44 32 36 46 ou 01 44 32 31 49, pole.sante@ens.psl.eu
    Open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm
    45 Rue d’Ulm, first floor of the Rataud building
  • PSL student health center
    Doctor (for students in the broadest sense)
    Psychological service (PPOP – prevention and psychological guidance centre)
    Tél. 07 76 08 63 28, santeetudiante@psl.eu
    In the 5th: INJS, 254, rue Saint-Jacques
    In the 16th : Dauphine – PSL , bureau BO3
    Consultations are free for PSL students
Occupational health contacts
  • Health Center ENS
    Tél. 01 44 32 36 46 ou 01 44 32 31 49, pole.sante@ens.psl.eu
    Open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm
    45 Rue d’Ulm, first floor of the Rataud building
  • CNRS-DR02 (Geology Laboratory)
    Dr. Evrard – Tél. 01 40 51 21 81
  • Ecole Polytechnique
    Health and Safety at work: 01 69 33 37 38
    N. Fernades et V. Moreau (prevention engineers)
    Prevention Doctor : 01 69 33 39 21 – secretariat.smp@polytechnique.fr
Sexual and moral harassment
Psychological support
Ethics, professional conduct, and scientific integrity
Arriving in France
  • The page FRANCE of the Persismo group gathers information about residence permit, recruitment, Sécurité Sociale, getting a place to live, a phone, day to day life tips, etc.

Whether you are a foreigner researcher (independently of your status), or you’re a French researcher welcoming a newcomer from abroad, the administrative process of arrival in France can be incredibly tough…

Go check out the following webpage which gathers tons of information, about residence permit, recruitment, Sécurité Sociale, getting a place to live, a phone, day to day life tips and so much more!

This page was initially created by the Persismo group. If you would like to share more of your experiences or participate in editing and management, please contact Jinhui Cheng.

If you’re still lost in translation, do not hesitate to look for help contacting Harsha Bhat or the D&E group: contact-DiversityEqualityGeos@geosciences.ens.fr.

Contacts and tips to quickly learn French

IFSEM – CNRS regional training courses
Note: online registration on SYGEFOR
Janus account required
for any connection – if you do not have one, contact Sophie Violette for the LGENS, Corinne Fonsat for the LMD.
Account to be completed with COFO LGENS = Émilie Klein; first validator = Alexandre Schubnel. Do not hesitate to contact E. Klein for further information.
Account to be completed with COFO LMD = Isabelle Ricordel; first validator = Philippe Drobinski. Do not hesitate to contact I. Ricordel or further information.

PSL Internal School
Note: online registration on PSL Internal School.
Ecole interne account required – first connection here.

ECLA: Description of French courses for international students

ENS Language Helpline
Tell them what you need help with in this form.
You can also use this WhatsApp group if it is urgent.
Become a volunteer.