Numerical methods

Disciplinary field: Methods (Mandatory)
Level: M1
Credits: 3 ECTS

Teacher: G. Meneghello (ENS)
Teaching type: Cours/TD
Hourly volume: 30h

Evaluation: examen final et comptes rendus de TD

Keywords: modélisation, méthodes numériques
Prerequisites: mathématiques de base (algèbre linéaire, analyse), informatique (l’étudiant doit être « à l’aise » avec le langage informatique moderne de son choix)

Numerical models are crucial for studying and understanding Earth’s behavior as a physical system. This course will explore key concepts and algorithms used in developing numerical modeling codes. It will be evenly divided between lectures, introducing equations and algorithms for the numerical solution of partial differential equations relevant to geosciences, and practical sessions focused on code development. By the end of the course, you will have a strong grasp of the fundamentals of numerical modeling and will have developed a code that could serve as a foundation for future research.