Disciplinary field: Solid Earth
Level: M1
Credits: 3 ECTS
Disciplinary field: Solid Earth
Level: M1
Credits: 3 ECTS
Teachers: Georges Calas (SU), Laurence Galoisy (SU) Etienne Balan (SU)
Teaching type: Cours/TD
Hourly volume: 30 h
Evaluation: Contrôle continu et examen final
Keywords: Minéralogie, matériaux, environnement, ressources minérales
Prerequisites: No
Many natural processes are governed by mechanisms at the atomic scale, now accessible through experimental (e.g. large user facilities) and theoretical developments. This approach gives a unified vision of geomaterials, with major implications in geochemistry and geophysics.
The students will thus have a background allowing them to continue in Earth and environmental sciences as well as in materials science.