Numerical methods

Disciplinary field: Methods (Mandatory)
Level: M1
Credits: 3 ECTS

Teacher: N. Rochetin (ENS)
Teaching type: Cours/TD
Hourly volume: 30h

Evaluation: examen final et comptes rendus de TD

Keywords: modélisation, méthodes numériques
Prerequisites: mathématiques de base (algèbre linéaire, analyse), informatique (l’étudiant doit être « à l’aise » avec le langage informatique moderne de son choix)

Numerical modeling, from its simplest equations to complex coupled physical modeling, is fundamental for the study and the understanding of the behavior of the Earth as a physical system. These models are based on numerical methods and corresponding implementation that are now constantly evolving. In this class, we will describe all basic concepts for the development of numerical modeling codes. Schemes and equations will be presented in the context of modeling of the atmosphere, the ocean, the lithosphere and space weather during a theoretical class (15h). Practicals (15h) will be dedicated to the development of a simple modeling code and to the stability analysis of various codes already used nowadays in geosciences (fluid flow modeling, solid deformation, magneto-hydro-dynamics…).