Marine Geosciences

Disciplinary field: Solid Earth
Level: M1 or M2
Credits: 3 ECTS

Teacher: Javier ESCARTIN (ENS)
Teaching type: Cours/TD/TP
Hourly volume: 30 h  (une semaine)

Evaluation: Examen et contrôle continu avec exercises (50%), projet (25%) et examen final (25%)

Keywords: Géologie et géophysique marine, dorsales, tectonique, subduction
Prerequisites: –

This course will provide a multidisciplinary view of tectonic, volcanologic, metamorphic, hydrothermal, and sedimentary processes linked to the evolution of ocean basins, from their formation along mid-ocean ridges, to their feat at subduction zones. The goal is to provide an overview of the geology and structure of ocean basins, on their geodynamic history, and to understand the dynamics of complex systems such as mid-ocean ridges, subduction zones, fracture zones, volcanic islands, and continental margins.To do so we will build in knowledge and experiments encompassing a broad range of different fields of research and approaches.

This course will also provide background on marine geological and geophysical techniques, that are specific and necessary from marine research. The course will provide an overview of a) seafloor mapping techniques used routinely, including sonar, bathymetry and optical imagery, b) geophysical tools such as seismics, magnetics, gravity to image the subseafloor, and c) on geological sampling tools, such as drilling and underwater viehicles. We will show how technical developments in marine science have been key for scientific advancement through some case studies, such as the development of autonomous robotic systems.

This module will have a session on scientific communication to provoke a discussion on issues such as ethics associated with publication, plagiarism, fair publishing practices, open access publications, etc.

The course will be though on-line courses (handouts and short presentations prerecorded), homework exercises, and personalized tutorials as needed with the students (either through extended one-to-one office meetings, or through internet discussions).

Each student will carry out short personal project. Homework and continuous evaluation will account for 50% of the marking, the project for 25%, and the examp for 25%.