The Laboratory of Geology of Ecole Normale Supérieure (Unité Mixte de Recherche UMR CNRS-ENS-PSL 8538) is analyzing the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) data acquired around the island of Mayotte where a seismo-volcanic crisis started in May 2018.
Informations on the on-going crisis can be found at:
• BRGM – Informations released to the public
• IPGP – Page on the Mayotte crisis
• EMSC (Euro-Mediterranean Seismological Center) – Page on the Mayotte crisis
• CTBTO (in the morning of November 11 the broadband seismic stations worldwide observed an exceptional tremor coming from the region of Mayotte, this event last around 20 mn and the tremor period is remarkably stable at around 16s)
The analysis of the GNSS data is performed in a coordinated manner with the IGN (Service de la Géodésie et du Nivellement SGN), its partners operating GNSS stations in the island of Mayotte (CNES, TERIA, LEL@), the BRGM(and its antenna of Mayotte), and the various UMR of CNRS/INSU involved in the observation and deciphering of this crisis for research, education and operational purposes.
Notes on the analysis of the GNSS data
Informations on the GNSS stations (from north to south in Mayotte):
Access to the GNSS data on the Réseau GNSS Permanent (RGP) repository
GNSS time series
Tide gauge SONEL of Dzaoudzi (in colocation with the GNSS station MAYG)
Gravity data: archive gravity profiles off-shore to be investigated
Informations in the media