09 Avr Junior Professor position in Geosciences at the Ecole normale supérieure, Paris
We are inviting applications for a « Junior Professor » (tenure-track) position at the Department of Geosciences of the Ecole normale supérieure (ENS) in Paris. Special attention will be paid to candidates developing a research project on solid earth / fluid earth interactions, and more specifically at the interface between rocks, soil, biosphere and atmosphere/ocean. The candidate will join one of the two laboratories of the Department (Laboratoire de Géologie de l’ENS and Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique). He/she will benefit from an outstanding scientific environment in terms of equipment and potential collaborations in the Department both at ENS and more generally within PSL University.
Candidates should have a record of outstanding research achievements, in any field related to rock-soil-biosphere-ocean-atmosphere or their interactions. Early-to- mid-career candidates are invited to apply.
The candidate is expected to engage in original, independent and high-level research activity. Candidates are expected to play a key role in the construction and implementation of teaching activities in the new Earth sciences master program of PSL University (https://www.geosciences.ens.fr/enseignement/master-geosciences/). Research and training projects should explore synergies with research groups within the department of Geosciences at ENS and with the CEREEP-Ecotron service unit dedicated to experimental research in ecology.
The Laboratoire de Géologie de l’ENS covers a very wide spectrum of research topics: geophysics, seismology, geology, rock mechanics, (bio-)geochemistry and hydrogeology. The scientific approaches are characterized by the will to strongly couple observations/measures, experiments and modeling. The laboratory also hosts a rich experimental infrastructure: materials characterization techniques, high pressure/ high temperatures equipments as well as experimental deformation equipment under controlled conditions.
The Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique studies climate, pollution and planetary atmospheres by combining theoretical approaches, instrumental developments for observation and numerical modeling. It is at the forefront of research on the dynamical, physical and (bio)geochemical processes in the atmosphere and in the ocean for studying the evolution and the prediction of weather and climate.
The CEREEP-Ecotron is a high-technology research infrastructure allowing for experiments with terrestrial and aquatic organisms, communities and ecosystems under highly controlled conditions to measure their functioning and sensitivity to climate change.
Candidates should send an application including a cover letter, a CV, full list of publications, a highlight of three to five selected major achievement, a description (3-to-5 pages) of the proposed research and teaching projects and a copy of an ID card or passport. In addition, the candidates should propose the names of three scientists to be contacted for letters of recommendation, and may also send three such letters to recrutement.jp.geo@ens.fr. Interested candidates should send requests for additional information to the same address: recrutement.jp.geo@ens.fr. For all communications, the subject line should start with the words GEO ENS POSITION followed by the name of the applicant.
Screening of applications will continue until May 19th 2019.