Dr. Issaak Parcharidis

Dr. Issaak Parcharidis


Associate Professor in in Earth Observation Applications, Department of Geography, Harokopio University of Athens,

Email: parchar@hua.gr

Research Interests

His main research interests include the use of space borne Earth Observation Systems, specifically, SAR interferometry for natural hazard monitoring and risk assessment.


Academic Qualifications

  • PhD Agricultural University of Athens, lab. of Geology, “Tectonic analysis of central and northern Greece using Remote Sensing”, 1994
  • He has been trained at ESA/ESRIN for Radar remote sensing 1993-94
  • BSc in Geological Sciences, University of Parma (Italy), 1984


Academic and other employment

2004-Today Professor at Harokopio University of Athens, Dep. of Geography

2001-2004 Member of the administrative board of the Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization of Greece

2001-2003 Member of the United Nations ACTION TEAM N. 7 (COMMITTEE ON THE PEACEFUL    USES OF OUTER SPACE) aiming the development of a global management system for disasters management, based on space techniques.

2000-2002 Associate Researcher at National University of Athens

2000-2002 Scientific advisor in General Secretariat of Civil Protection of Greece

1996-1999 Special scientist at Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization of Greece


He has participate as senior researcher in international research projects and has more than 100 publications in international journals and conference proceedings.