The Mathematics of Climate and the Environment
IHP, Paris, September 9 - December 21 2019
Deadline for financial support: March 15th, 2019
Registration is free however mandatory:
Courses: Organizational structure
• 1 full-trimester course on “Dynamical systems in the Geosciences” at PSL Research University, level M1/M2 (Oct.–Dec. 2019). This course will be run within the PSL Geosciences Master starting from oct. 2019 at the ENS, and opened to the PSL student body and to interested participants of the IHP activities in 2019.
• 4 mini-courses (Master 2/PhD level) The four mini-courses correspond to the four Main Themes of the trimester. 1 mini-course will be given each month, with the 4th mini-course to be fitted in according to organizational matters shaping up closer to the actual time of the IHP trimester; each mini-course will have 10 lectures (2-3 per week) 2 hr/lecture.
The proposed topics and lecturers of the mini-courses are as follows:
1. Mathematical methods in climate and geophysical fluid dynamics
16 Sept.–4 Oct. 2019
(a) Dynamical systems & climate applications – Franco Flandoli (SNS, Pisa) & M. Ghil (ENS)
(b) Numerical methods – Darryl Holm (Imperial College London) & Thomas Dubos (Ecole Polytechnique)
2. Physical bases of climate modeling – Hervé Le Treut (IPSL)
14–25 Oct. 2019
(a) From meteorology to climate: Conservation laws and subgrid-scale processes
(b) From understanding the physical world to societal relevance
3. Big data, data assimilation, and uncertainty quantification
28 Oct.–8 Nov. 2019
(a) Data assimilation & climate science applications – Dan Crisan (Imperial College London)
& M. Bocquet (École des Ponts ParisTech)
(b) Big data & uncertainty quantification – Omar Ghattas (U. of Texas at Austin)
4. Coupled climate–ecology–economy modeling
18–29 Nov. 2019
(a) Coupled climate–ecology – Martin Claussen (MPI for Meteorology, Hamburg)
(b) Coupled climate–economy – Gaël Giraud (AFD)